Goal Setting and Attainment
There must be as many ways to go about setting and accomplishing goals as there are goals to accomplish. I have compiled the following methodology by borrowing from many different sources; none more than the great motivational master himself, Tony Robbins.
First determine exactly what you want and why you want it. Brainstorm for about 10 minutes to determine what you want. Use Warren Buffett’s 25-5 rule to help prioritize these goals. List the first 25 goals you think of within the ten-minute time-frame. After coming up with your list of 25, then pick the top 5 goals that are the most important. Prioritizing your goals and focusing on just the top 5 will greatly aid in accomplishing your objectives. Now restate your top 5 goals in clear, concise and positive statements. Next to each goal, write a compelling positive or pleasure that will result when you accomplish the goal. Then write a very concise negative or pain that will result if you do not accomplish the goal.
Make your goals S.M.A.R.T. Each goal should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound.
Specific – make each goal very specific and detailed rather than open ended and vague.
Measurable – choose the metrics to use to determine when you have accomplished the goal.
Achievable – the goal must be achievable, otherwise you will lose your motivation.
Relevant – make the goal as relevant and important to you as possible.
Time bound – what date do you want to accomplish the goal by. Running a mile in a year is different than running a mile in six minutes.
List the small steps needed to accomplish each goal. Breaking each goal down into the smallest possible steps will make them easier and less overwhelming to achieve. “Success by the yard is hard, but success by the inch is a cinch.” – Jack Canfield.
Read your goals every day. Read your goals every morning when you wake up and every evening before you go to bed. This will help you stay focused on them in your conscious and subconscious mind.
When possible develop goals that are performance based versus results based. While this may seem odd, your performance is under your control. Sometimes the outcomes are not. You can make 100 sales calls. You may or may not be able to make 10 sales.